The young adult historical fiction novel The Davenports1 by Krystal Marquis2 is a story that deals with deception, forbidden romance, being true to one’s self, and standing up for others and for one’s beliefs.
The book was inspired by the true story of the Patterson family who ran the automobile manufacturing company called C.R. Patterson and Sons.
The Davenports are one of the few wealthy African-American families based in 1910 Chicago. William Davenport, a man who had experienced the horrors of slavery, founded the Devenport Carriage Company.
The story follows four women. Olivia, Helen, Ruby, and Amy-Rose. Olivia and Helen are William Davenport's daughters. Ruby and Amy-Rose are friends with the daughters and want the attention of John Davenport, Helen and Olivia’s brother.
When these women fall for men they aren't supposed to, their situations become complicated with forbidden romance, stolen kisses, and revealed deceptions.
Each chapter switches between the perspectives of Olivia, Helen, Ruby, and Amy-Rose. I enjoyed the story and the characters. I particularly liked Helen, Olivia, and Amy-Rose's characters. Their personalities are driven and determined. They aren't afraid to chase their dreams or stand up for what they believe in.
Ruby took a while to warm up to. I disapproved of her method of using another man to get John’s attention. It did add good drama, though. At one point, I shouted, "Stop chasing after John! He's clearly not interested. You don't realize what a good man you have right in front of you!" (Yes, I'm one of those readers who yells at fictional characters when they frustrate me.)
Although romance happens quickly between couples, there’s a lead-up to it with chemistry, sexual tension, playful banter, and adorable moments shared between them. I particularly loved the mud fight between one of the sisters and her love interest. It was so cute!
The story has an unexpected ending that makes way for the second book.3 I am interested to know what happens with these characters.
Content Warnings
This book contains protest violence and intense kissing.
Link to the Goodreads book description of The Davenports
Link to the Goodreads author, Krystal Marquis.
Link to the Goodreads second book description of More Than This.